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(Re)Search Tools

Search Engines


A "search engine" is a computer program we use to look for information on the Internet. No two search engines are completely alike, and the differences between search engines can be rather surprising! Try a few of the options below the next time you're sleuthing around the web—there's so much more to search than plain old Google!

Book Search Tools

Photo by Susan Q Yin on Unsplash

Looking for your next read? Put one of these book-finding tools to the test!

Image Search Tools


Find the perfect picture for every application with one of the handy image repositories below!

Subscription Databases

Photo by Markus Winkler on Unsplash

A "subscription database" is a collection of information that people pay to access. (Don't worry—your library already paid these bills. All you have to do is click!) This information is reviewed by experts, organized so it's easy to use, and accessed through an Internet-connected device, like a computer or smartphone.

Although databases are similar to search engines, there are a few important distinctions. Search engines contain all sorts of information from the Internet, but databases only include reliable information, usually from books, magazines, newspapers, and other fact-checked publications. Many search engines rely on tracking tools and advertising to make money, but databases are paid for by the people who use them. Search engines rely on computer programs called "algorithms" to show different people different search results; databases rely on keywords and subject terms, so everybody sees the same thing.

When you're looking for information you can trust, search engines can be useful, but databases are even better!

Search for nonfiction information in grades K-3!

username: loringflemming

password: student

Search for information about music!

username: LFESstudent

password: BQ*+wb9Y

Search for nonfiction information in grades 4-5!

Search for information about sports!

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