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Privacy Policy

The Loring Flemming Library strives to keep its privacy practices as simple and straightforward as possible. Our overall approach to student privacy is comprehensively outlined in our procedure manual; please refer to that document for specifics. Our website adheres to the same guidelines and, more importantly, accounts for our students’ discrete developmental needs. In a nutshell, we cater to the singular requirements of each learn while trying our best to keep this website from misbehaving.


  • We value and respect our visitors’ privacy as we do our own.
  • We do our utmost to ensure that the Library website and every website it links to value, respect, and uphold user privacy and security.
  • We will never deliberately place data-harvesting advertising tools or social media plugins on the site.
  • We endeavor to keep the site free of malicious actors and security defects.
  • That’s all there is to it.


We hope you enjoy your visit!

Howdy, there! The Loring Flemming Library website was retired on July 1, 2022. It remains online as both a portfolio piece and a professional courtesy. Though these resources are no longer actively maintained, visitors are encouraged to explore and enjoy them to the fullest. Mr. T hopes you enjoy your stay!